John 18, 19
Overview: Jesus' arrest, trial, crucifixion and burial.
Power vs. Truth.
True Power vs. The Perception of Power
Pilate thinks Jesus is harmless, if a little deluded. He's the person in charge, has a lot on his plate and would really rather not be sending off what he perceives to be a pretty much harmless man to be executed. Of course, when push comes to shove, he will do that if necessary and apparently it becomes necessary. Two thousand years later we are reading this account and we are all in on Pilate's confusion. Pilate, with all of his power and importance, is important to us from this distance for one reason and one reason only. His role in Jesus' story. Pilate comes across as a guy who likes being in charge, but isn't interested in being emeshed in the specifics of the story - he just wants it dealt with. Jesus does not respond to any of the buttons that Pilate is accustomed to utilizing. Pilate throw ups his hands with his response to Jesus - "What is truth?" (John 18:38) Pilate is used to being the one who names what truth is and having people fall in to their role in the reality that he has named. Jesus confounds Pilate and exposes him at the same time. Pilate, I think, knows how illusory his power is, but has never been in the presence of someone who seems to also know it. Jesus does.
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