Acts 19, 20
Overview: Paul is still on the move. Traveling around and encouraging churches and presenting the good news. Paul makes what he says will be his final visit with the leaders of the church in Ephesus on his way to visit the church in Jerusalem.
We are told in Acts 19 that seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva try to cast out a demon. Their formulation is to order the demon out by invoking the "Jesus whom Paul proclaims". The demon's response is at one level comical: "Jesus I know, Paul I know, but who are you?" It is reminiscent of places in the Gospels where demons that Jesus is casting out seem to be the ones who most clearly know who he is and what sort of power he wields. Here in this passage we have individuals who are attempting to co-opt the work of Paul in the name of Jesus and while it is unclear if the general population believes they are part of the movement known as the Way (Jesus followers) it is clear what that demons clearly recognize who is following Jesus and who is simply wanting to make a grab at power.
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