Friday, October 8, 2010

Unpleasant, Handy Character Traits - October 7, 2010

Daily Lectionary Readings for October 7, 2010
Psalm 94
Hosea 9:1-9
Acts 24:1-23
Luke 7:36-50

Acts 24:1-23
Tertellus making his case against Paul before the Roman governor Felix....
"We have, in fact, foun this man a pestilent fellow, an agitator among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of th sect of the Nazarenes."  I suspect if Paul was on the opposite side of an issue from you on something you felt strongly about he might seem to be described perfectly here.  He is tenacious, he is bold and he does seem to be able to agitate with the best of them.  What unlikely characteristics floating around in us is God planning to utilize in the manner that God so completely used these in Paul?

Luke 7:36-50
Jesus is at a Pharisees house for dinner.  A woman, with a questionable reputation anoints Jesus feet.  Jesus tells a brief story (there are two creditors one who owes five hunred denarii and one who owes fifty - who is happier when the debt is cancelled?) and then makes his point.  "But the one to whom little is forgiven loves little".(v.47)  Jesus' lesson is for each of us.  Set this story alongside of the recent story of the speck in the neighbor's eye that we are trying to critique despite the log in our own.  We all have a great burden of debt that has been cancelled by Christ's life, death and resurrection.  To more fully appreciate what Christ has done for us we must be honest about the depth of our need and our inablity to have met that need on our own.

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