January 15, 2011
Mark 5, 6
Overview: Jesus casts out demons, revives Jairus' daughter, sends the disciples out on a healing ministry mission, feeds a multitude and walks on water. Jesus staying busy.
As various miraculous acts and healings are described throughout these two chapters there is a distinct empahsis on the physicality of the Incarnation in these two chapters. People bring their sick to Jesus. They are anxious to simply touch his garment. His followers seen him walking on water and he gets into the boat with them. The prime example of this is the story dropped into the middle of the story of Jairus' daughter. Betwen the invitation by Jairus and the arrival at the home of this leader of the Synagogue there is the story of the woman who is seeking to be healed, but doesn't want to call attention to herself - doesn't want to bother Jesus. "If I but touch his clothes, I will be made well."(5:28) Jesus notices. "Who touched my clothes," he asks. The disciples find this almost amusing. A "you can't be serious" kind of moment - everyone is trying to touch you and you want us to pick out just one. And the answer, of course, is precisely yes. Jesus notices that one touch. Jesus heals the woman. Some combination of her faith and the tactile experience of touching the real, tangible, walking, talking Son of God results in her healing.
It's a great story and it's great reinforcement for us in our faith walk. We may not have the tactile experience of phyical contact with our Lord, but our relationship can be as real as any relationship that existed between Jesus and his followers. And the same Jesus who walked through a crowd and knew of one particular touch, hears each of our voices and each of our concerns even in the midst of all the voices and all the concerns in the world. What a gift these accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus are to us as we strive to follow him today.
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