Daily Lectionary for August 25, 2010
Psalm 119:145-176
Job 6:1, 7:1-21
Acts 10:1-16
John 7:1-13
Psalm 119
Another good thing about the Daily Lectionary. I am reading all of Psalm 119. Some who know me know that I struggle with the Psalms at times. There are moments when I can read them and resonate with the thoughts and be right there with the Psalmist. Some people can do that on a regular basis. I'm not one of those people. In my not so good moments I can think unpleasant things like read one Psalm and you've read all 150. Or I can come to a Psalm like 119 and think where is the Psalms version of the Deuteronomistic editor 'cause this thing surely could use some editing. The Daily Lectionary doesn't let me get away with that kind of stuff. It pushes me. Asks me to read what's up for the day and see what God has for me there. I've come to find this sort of guidance helpful.
Acts 10:1-16
In which Peter sees a vision of food he has always believed and been taught he is not supposed to eat. He hears a voice (he answers by naming the voice "Lord" so it doesn't appear he is confused about who is speaking to him) that tells him to "Get up, Peter; kill and eat."(v.13) Peter's response in summary is that while he is hungry he has rules for things like this, so thanks but no thanks. Another nudge about the moments when we are tempted to make rules and doctrines primary over God's call.
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