Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Where Else Are We Going To Go? - August 24, 2010

Daily Lectionary Readings for August 24, 2010
Psalm 119:121-144
Job 6:1-4, 8-15, 21
Acts 9:32-43
John 6:60-71

John 6:60-71
One of the best gospel passages.  Jesus has just finished explaining to his followers about eating his flesh and drinking his blood and they are understandably confused.  "'This teaching is difficult, who can accept it.'"(v.6)  Further on in v.66 we are told that many of his disciples "turn back".  Jesus turns to the twelve and asks, "Do you also wish to go away?"  The disciples routinely get it wrong in these stories.  They are slow to understand.  They miss Jesus' point and they have to ask him to repeat himself on a regular basis.  But here they nail it.  They come up big.  They say what I hope I would say in their place.  They respond to Jesus question with the answer, "Lord, to whom can we go? (v.68)  Sure Jesus is hard to understand and it's a demanding existence and it's risky and they aren't quite sure what is going to happen next, but what's the alternative?  For all of the uncertainties, it's the most exhilarting life has ever been.  Everything else would pale by comparison.  It's a great moment that illuminates the journey of faith at its most frustrating and yet its most compelling.  Even when we don't feel like we are really getting it the disciples answer can be ours as well.  Frustrated?  Want to try something else?  Where else are we going to go?  What else could compare to following Jesus.

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