Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What Can It Mean? - August 11, 2010

Daily Lectionary Readings for August 11, 2010
Psalm 89:1-18
Judges 13:15-24
Acts 6:1-15
John 4:1-26

Psalm 89:1-18
v.1  "I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations."
Okay, maybe some current praise music isn't thick with theological terms, but for critics of praise music, in a generic blanket sense, I read this verse and ask what am I missing?

Judges 13:15-24
The Bible just has some funny moments.  Manoah and his wife (Samson's mom and dad) have just been visited by what they believe might be an angel of the Lord.  At the conclusion of the visit the maybe angel suggests that rather then offer him a meal they could offer a sacrifice to God.  They do so and "the flame went up toward heaven from the altar, the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar while Manoah and his wife looked on...."(v.20)  The angel doesn't appear again and v.21 reports, "Then Manoah realized that it was the angel of the Lord".  Like perhaps he was going to watch this and go, "Maybe an angel, maybe not."  Love scriptural understatement.

Acts 6:1-15
The apostles make structural changes to the ministry in order to address weakness and enhance the efficacy of their witness.  Can't think of any application for this passage.

John 4:1-26
Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well.  He engages her in conversation, learns about her and offers her an alternative to the way of life she has experienced up to that point which had apparently had more than its share of difficulty.  Meet, listen, converse, offer living water.  Again, struggling to find application.

School Days
School starts back in Bullitt County today, and as I check up on my friends on Facebook it appears that this is so other places as well.  My son is off to his Junior year, my daughter to the seventh grade.  We did the obligatory first day of school picture this morning - a tradition our children gracefully indulge their parents in.  Praying that they know how precious and loved they are and that this school year is awesome for them and for all the students heading back to school this day (and for teachers, administrators, support staff - everyone in the educational process).


  1. First day of school? Have been reading about that and wishing it were so here. School begins AFTER Labor Day - ugh!

    As to the woman at the well, I used that a few weeks ago as it was a lesson in our VBE(vacation bible experience.) As I referred to it on Sunday, I spoke of her not being a part of community due to her circumstances with husbands. Coming alone for water, being alone. Jesus lifts her up through the gift of living water. That same gift lifts us up, restores us and we are to offer the same. So many people searching for community and we can lead the way.

    Have a great day

  2. Good stuff Jeffrey. Thanks. And I like the VBE acronym.

  3. I was thinking along the same lines as Jeffrey - we may not even know when we have given that cup of water to someone. So keep giving.

    I have lots of first day of school pictures - and luckily my grandchildren and their parents are carrying on the wonderful tradition.
