Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Baptism Is Dangerous - September 7, 2010

Daily Lectionary for September 7, 2010
Psalm 11
Job 29:1-20
Acts 14:1-18
John 10:31-42

Acts 14:1-18 and John 10:31-42
In which the lesson is again delivered that this is dangerous stuff.  Paul and Barnabas are having mixed results in Iconium.  Some are receptive, some want to kill them.  There is mention of intent to mistreat and stone them - one wonders what the mistreating was to be if the other option was stoning.  They flee the city.  Jesus is at the Temple in the John passage.  Religious folks are becoming angry with Jesus' teachings again and are doing the religious thing and taking up stones to stone him (Jn.10:31).  Interestingly, Jesus eludes them and leaves the immediate area, traveling to the part of the Jordan where John had been baptizing.  Somehow this seems appropriate as for Jesus and moreso for Paul and Barnabas, the trouble all began with their baptism.  Once baptized life changes and the call to announce the kingdom and follow Jesus become the guiding principles.  Live out ones baptism faithfully and eventually, perhaps, someone will want to take up stones against you.  You'll help a lot of people, bringing good news and hope and all sorts of good stuff as well, but don't expect everyone to be thrilled.

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