Daily Lectionary Readings For November 2, 2010
Psalm 28
Zephaniah 1:14-18
Revelation 14:14-15:8
Luke 13:1-9
Luke 13:1-9
Jesus tells this parable about a fig tree that doesn't produce figs. The man who owns the vineyard is upset. The tree hasn't produced for three years - he wants it removed. The gardener asks for an extension. One more year. "If it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not you can cut it down."(v.9) You can do several things with this story, as is often the case when Jesus tells a parable. We can imagine ourselves in the place of the fig tree. God has put us here to bear fruit. Grace is extended when we are not bearing fruit and we are given additional time. But there is a day when fruit will be expected. Another way of coming at this story though is to ask where the barren fig trees are in our lives and what are we doing with them. How much of our time and energy is wrapped up in efforts that do not bear fruit, which actually may be more life taking than life giving. Why do we keep pouring ourselves into these activities? Habit? Duty? A sense that there is hope for the fig tree? Perhaps the gardner's solution is one that might be helpful to us. Give it a year (or pick your own time frame) and then reevaluate. Perhaps by leaving some of our less fruitful activities behind we might find a new and lifegiving activity or passion that God has planned for us.
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